Imi era un dor de The Wedding House, ceva de nedescris! Noroc ca intr-o luna si fix doua zile am motive intemeiate sa dau pe-acolo, caci are loc The Wedding Market. (more…)
“It sizzled and fizzled as the flames fired the cauldron.. it was the Tallow Candle’s cradle – and out of the warm cradle came a flawless candle. (more…)
Sunteti gata cu pregatirile pentru masa de Craciun? Eu chiar nu ma pot lauda ca sunt, dar marele meu noroc este ca am facut antrenamente intense! (more…)
Ca ziua de sambata sa fie una cu adevarat relaxanta, trebuie sa ma pregatesc temeinic de vineri. (more…)
Daca se intampla sa va intrebati cu ce imi ocup din cand in cand sambetele, acesta este articolul in care va raspund, partial, la intrebare! (more…)
Simteam o nevoie acuta de o doza de visare si, din clipa in care Homegrown Swedes mi-au aparut in cale, m-am linistit, m-am calmat, m-am deconectat complet. (more…)
” I just realized I’m not a morning person — I’m a coffee person. “Author Unknown (more…)
” Relaxation may result in a tic increase (for instance, watching television or using a computer), while concentration on an absorbing activity often leads o a decrease in tics. (more…)
“Sometimes we just have to cut off the dead branches in our life. Sometimes that’s the only way we can keep the tree alive. It’s hard and it hurts, but it’s what’s best.” (more…)
” A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” (James Keller) (more…)